Does Green Tea Contain Caffeine and Is This Bad or Good?


The health benefits of green tea are widely known. It can protect you from diseases from the common cold and flu to heart disease and cancer. It has a great slimming effect and actually rejuvenates the skin, while protecting it from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Apart from making you healthier, green tea makes you more beautiful. But can this herbal product be completely perfect? Does it contain any potentially harmful substances, such as caffeine? It is worth receiving an answer to these questions before you start consuming green tea.

Green tea does contain caffeine. The concentration of this chemical substance varies from one product to another. This is because the leaves of Camellia Sinensis, the plant from which green tea is made, are picked at different times. The younger and more succulent leaves contain more caffeine even after they have been dried compared to the ones which have been left to mature to some extent. In addition, when the leaves of the plant are steeped into the hot water for tea preparation, not all of the caffeine contained in them is released to the infusion.

Some people might be put off green tea because it contains caffeine. However, it should be noted that the concentration of this chemical compound in green tea is much lower than in its counterparts – black and oolong tea. One study has revealed that green tea contains around two times less caffeine than black tea, on average. Moreover, coffee has 5 times higher concentration of this chemical compound compared to this drink. The caffeine in green tea is also less than the one present in the popular energy drinks.

It can be said that green tea is safer compared to its beverage competitors. In addition, you can readily choose a variety which contains less caffeine. You can also consider steeping the leaves for a shorter amount of time to reduce the amount of this chemical compound in your brewed drink. Another option is to use decaffeinated green tea extract. In this way, you will get all the wonderful health benefits of green tea without worrying about the unpleasant side effects that the caffeine might have on your body.

You know that caffeine can be bad for you, but it is worth learning about its negative effects on the body. This chemical compound can increase the heart pulse. It can also cause greater irritability and anxiety. Some people even have sleeping problems, such as insomnia, due to caffeine. It can also increase your blood pressure. For all these reasons, children, pregnant and nursing women and people on specific medications should avoid consuming drinks with caffeine.

This is applicable to green tea as well. Still, this drink contains some beneficial chemical compounds which can actually have the opposite effect on your body. The antioxidants in green tea make the blood vessels more flexible. This automatically reduces your risk of getting an increase in your blood pressure. Green tea is rich in a powerful amino acid called L-theanine. It has a relaxing effect on your body and can effectively reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Several studies have revealed that green tea promotes better night sleep.

Generally, you should not fear the caffeine in green tea. It is not in large amounts and its potential negative effects can be diminished, if not prevented completely. On the other hand, various studies on caffeine have revealed its good side. This chemical compound is actually a powerful antioxidant which makes it quite beneficial. One study carried out by Harvard University researchers has concluded that people consuming caffeine are 2 times less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes. Other trials have found that caffeine can reduce your risk of colon cancer by 25%, liver cirrhosis by up to 80% and Parkinson’s disease by 80%. More research is necessary to confirm these findings, but the evidence that this antioxidant has various health benefits are growing. After all, caffeine might not be as bad as previously thought.

Green tea contains caffeine, but there are various ways in which you can diminish or avoid its effect. In addition, you can actually benefit from it if you are a healthy adult. The important thing is to consume green tea in moderate amounts. This will allow you to make the most out of it without experiencing any negative side effects.